photo taken 2007 of founder and her daughters



Colleen McCoy , Founder

My name is Colleen, I am a grateful believer in Jesus Christ . I am grateful to say that I have been Sober (SET FREE) since August 15, 2011. I still struggle with hurts and hangups but I call on Jesus everyday! (in my weakness his strength abounds)

I went through hell in my addiction and I dragged my two beautiful daughters along with me. I loved them so much but I also couldn’t stop drinking. I hated myself and I Hated what I put them through! I woke up every morning in guilt and shame which created a vicious cycle of more hate towards myself!! My daughters sowed so many tears .I remember my oldest daughter would come and kiss me in the morning and touch my stomach to see if I was breathing ... she would fall asleep with my picture in her arms, crying herself to sleep while comforting her little sister (my youngest daughter)...they couldn’t understand why mommy couldn’t stop drinking and they use to pray i would stop. My family couldn’t understand why I wouldn’t stop, and would say that If i really  loved my daughters I would stop  but they couldn’t  understand the stronghold  of the addiction, and that I was to weak to fight it on my own! I hated the alcohol that I was enslaved too ! But ...One beautiful day... the day I was beautifully broken, my beloved daughters were taken from me momentarily...at the time I couldn’t see it but I know now they were being protected by God while he was taking care of me. He wanted me to know him so that I could learn to love myself. He wanted take my ashes and turn them into something beautiful! And when I fully surrendered my life to HIM , he turned OUR lives around!!! Not only were my daughters a witness to my brokenness but they were also a witness to the one who put me back together!!! My girls and I may have gone through hell together....but we know that He was always with us and we came out of the fire, pure gold!!! What I have discovered is that the light looks beautiful shining through broken places...I am grateful for the call I have on my life...and that is to serve others. God has given me a heart to love on the broken and to walk alongside of people who struggle with strongholds, bondage’s, hurts and addictions. I believe that I have been called to do this because I went through the same battle myself and God has equipped me with the weapons and love to fight alongside of those who are going through some of the places I have been. I, in no way shape or form have MADE IT but I do know who MADE ME and every day , one day at a time , I walk in peace because I know that HIS LOVE NEVER FAILS!!!! 

In December 2016 Colleen was given a vision and a burden on her heart to open a multitude of woman and children’s homes to help mom’s that battle addiction. In December 2017 Colleen, with the help of her husband, opened the first woman and children’s home. In 2021 we now have several recovery housing/transitional locations throughout SB county.

Colleen McCoy has also opened DHCS state licensed inpatient residential facilities www.belovedtreatmentcenter.com

In 2024 we plan (God willing) to open more Men’s and Women’s recovery housing facilities.

we also plan (God willing) to open STRTP facilities for foster youth 13-18 who struggle with addiction, mental health and legal issues and transitional independent living for 18-21 pregnant aging out foster youth with minor dependents.

We thank God and are so grateful to everyone who has come along side us to make this all possible.

Love and blessings,

Colleen McCoy


photo taken 2019 of founder and her daughters
